SJ - 光纤连续焊接机
SJ - 光纤连续焊接机



技术指标 TeChniCal index

激光波长/Laser wavelength: 1070 ± 5nm
激光模式/LaSer mode:多模(MUltimOde)
工作方式/Working methods:连续(ContinUoUS)
平均输出功率/Average OUtPUt Power: 500W-2000W
平均消耗功率/Average POWer ConSUmPtiOn: 200OW
功率调节范围/ POWer adjustment range: 5%-95% 功率不穏定・1¢/POWer instability: ≤2%
传输光纤芯径/TranSmiSSiOnfiberCOre diameter: 50um
光斑/FaCUla: 0.2mm
光纤长度/Fiber length: 5m、IOm、15m (可选)
冷却方式/Cooling mode:水冷
冷却水温度/COOIing Watertemperature: 20eC-25^C
电源/POWerSUpply: AC 220V/380V ± 10%, 50/6OHZ
工作环境温度/Working temperature: 10てー35 て 工作环境湿度/Working environment humidity: ≤95%

焊接原理 WeIding PrinCiPIe

光纤连续焊接机是采用连续光纤激光器,通过数字イ匕精确控制激光脉冲的宽度、能量,重复频率 等参数,使工件融化,形成特定的帽池,从而实现对被加工エ件的激光焊接,完成传统エ艺无法 实现的精密焊接。
Fiber ∞ntinuous WeMing machine USeS ∞ntinuous fiber laser, digitally and accurately ContrOI the IaSer PUlSe Wtdthl energy, repetition frequency and Other Parameters to melt the WorkPieCe to form a SPeCIfiC molten Pooll So as to achieve IaSer Welding Of the WOrkPiece to be ProCeSSedl Unable to ∞mptete the traditional PfoCeSS ReaiZed PfeCiSion welding.

应用范围 APPliCatiOn range

广泛应用于手机构件、电脑外壳、锂电池、不锈钢厨具、真 空保温杯、传感器、汽车零部件、模具配件、保险柜、配电 箱、医疗器械、眼镜钟表、首饰饰品、不锈钢制品、铝制 品、铜制品、合金材料等。
WideIy USed in mobile PhOne components, C(MnPUter housings, Sthium batteries, StainleSS Steel kitchen UtenSiIs, VaCUUm insulation cups, sensors, auto parts, mold parts, safes, PoWer distribution boxes, medical equipment,

产品特色 FeatUreS

1、 能量密度高,热输入低,热变形里熔化区小,热爆向区而 熔深大。
2、 冷却速度高,得到微细焊缝组织接头性能良好。
3、 与接角触焊相比,激光焊不用电极,少了工时和成本。
4、 焊缝细、深度大,锥度小,精度高,外观美观光滑平整。
5、 无耗材,体积小,柔性加工、运转成本低。
6、 光纤连续焊接可配龙门式焊接或机械手。
1. The energy denSity is high, the heat input is IoWI the melting ZOne In the thermal deformation is SmaIll and the thermal explosion is in the area and the melting depth is large.
2. The COOKng rate is high, and the Pefforma∩ce Of the micro WeId joint is good.
3. COmPared With joint Weldingl IaSer Welding does not USe electrodes, WhiCh reduces man-hours and ∞sts.
4. The Weiding Seam is thin, deep, SmaII taper, high PfeCiSiOnl beautiful and Smooth appearance.
5. No ∞nsumabtesl SmaII SIZeI flexible PrOCeSSing and IOW OPerating cost.
6. COntinUOUS WeIding Of OPtiCai fiber Can be equipped With gantry WeIding Or manipulator.