


技术指标 TeChniCal index

型号/MOdel: SJ-LXSC-500W∕800W∕1000W∕1500W/2000W

激光功率(W) /Laser power: 500W∕750W∕1 OooW/200OW

激光波长/Laser WaVeIength: 1064um

工作方式/LaSer WaVeIength:连续

激光焊接深度/PoCeSSing area: 1 mm∕2mm∕3mm∕4mm

定位系SJZPositioning SyStem:红光指示


电カ需求/Electricity demand: 220V50HZ/220V50HZ/380V50HZ/380V50HZ

整机耗电功率/WhoIe POWer COnSUmPtiOn: < 3KW

型号/ModeI : SJ-CSSC-200W/300W/400W/500W

最大激光功率/MaXimUm IaSer power: 200W/300W/400W/500W

单脉冲做大能量/PUlSe maximum energy: 50J∕60J∕80J∕90J

激光波长 /LaSer WaVeIength: 1.06Um

电流峰值/Peak current: 50-230A/50-230A/50-230A/50-500A

激光焊接频WCUttingthickness: ≤50HZ∕≤50HZ∕≤ 10OHZ∕≤ 10OHZ

激光焊接深度/LaSef WSIding frequency: 0.1-1.0mm∕0.1-1.2mm∕0.1 -1.5mm∕0,1 -2.0mm

脉冲宽度/PUlSeWidthr: 0.5-2OmS

输岀光路/〇UtPUt Path: 1 -4路可选

电カ需求/Electricity demand: 220V50HZ / 220V50HZ/380V50HZ/380V50HZ


整机耗电功率/WhOIePOWerCOnSUmPtion: ≤4KW∕6KW∕8KW∕1 OKW

产品特色 FeatUreS

1、 手持式焊接易学,不需要专业操作人员。
2、 手持式焊枪的操作模式,可以対工件实现任意角度的焊接。适合各 种复杂焊缝,各种器件的点焊。
3、 光源采用500-2000瓦的光线连续激光器,激光器长,寿命可达10 万小时。
4、 免维护,高稳定性,使用成本低。
5、 能量密度高,热变形小,热影响区域窄而溶深大。
6、 焊缝细,深度大,锥度小,精度高,焊缝外观光渭平整美观,省去 后续抛磨等エ序。
7、 光纤输出,容易与自动化或机器人配套,提高生产效率,并且可以 満足长时间工作。
1. Hand-held Welding is easy to Iearnl no professional OPerator is needed.
2. The OPeration mode Of the hand-he < d Welding torch Can realize Welding at any angle On the workpiece. SUitable for al kinds Of ComPteX WeIding SeamSl SPot Welding Of VariOUS devices.
3. The Iight SOUrCe adopts 500-20OOW ∞nti∩uous Iight laser, the IaSer is Iongl and the SefViCe Iife Can reach 100,000 hours.
4. Maintenance-free, high Stability and IOW USe cost.
5. The energy denSity is high, the thermal deformation is SmaIll the heat affected area is narrow and the melting depth is large.
6. The Weld Seam is thin, the depth is Iargel the taper is SmaIll the PredSi∞ is high, the appearance Of the WeId Seam is SmOothl SmOoth and beautiful, and the SUbSeqUent PoliShing and Other PfoCeSSeS are omitted.
7. OPtiCal fiber OUtPUtl easy to match With automation Or robot, improve PrOdUction effictency, and Can meet Iong working hours.