SJ - 端泵激光打标机
SJ - 端泵激光打标机



端泵激光打标机全称半导体端面泵浦激光打标机,利用半导体激 光器( Laser diode, Ld ) 泵浦的固体激光器作为泵浦源, 经光纤耦合 后从端面注入激光晶体,使泵浦光束进入增益介质与腔模空间录大程 度交叠, 从而得到高功率和高光束质量的激光输出。其采用—体化整 体结构,无光学污染、功率耦合损失和空气冷却,具有其他激光器不 具备的高效率、长寿命和少维护等性能。
Side pump lasermarking machine for end pumped semiconducto「 laser marking, using semiconductor laser (Laser diod,e Ld) pumped solrd state laser as thepump sources are used, the optical fiber coupling fromend face after injection laser crystal. The pump beamonto the gain medium and the maximum overtapping anticross between space, thus can get high power and high beam quality laser output. lls uses the integrated structure, no optical pollution, power couplrng loss and air coo ling, w ith ot her lase r does not have properties such as highefficiency, longIdeandlessmaintenance.